Wednesday, June 6, 2012

And we're off!

TOTAL HOURS SERVED TO DATE: 151 hours! Great start everyone!

We had a great evening at our 10,000 hour project kickoff. With role playing, a multi media presentation and some wonderful dessert, we were on our way!

There were some great ideas of ways that we can serve. We tried to think outside the box and to consider way we were already helping in and around the community. Here are a few of the ideas we came up with:

- Babysitting 
- Feeding the missionaries
- Helping a friend organize or clean their home
- Visiting those in hospital, long term care facilities, and extended care units
- Volunteering at a school
- Beautifying your neighbourhood; picking up trash, helping a neighbour mow or garden, etc.
- Delivering Meals on Wheels
- Cleaning the church
- Taking a friend out to lunch
- Sending a text or email with an encouraging message
- Doing genealogy
- Giving rides to those in need
- Sewing or quilting for friends and family
- Volunteering at victim services
- Being a Big Brother or Big Sister

...just to name a few.
The sister missionaries (Sister Milburn and Sister Hoe) after they registered.

The point is that we may not realize we are providing service on a daily basis. Stop and think about the times you've stopped and chatted with a friend having a hard time. That's service! How many times have you heard someone was ill or in need and you called them? That's service! Making a meal for a friend or watching her kids even if it's just for an hour. That's service! And we want to hear about all the ways you are out there helping. 

Just in case you've missed the link for the google spreadsheet where hours can be logged, here is the link:
A few ladies working on our "Quilts for Haiti."

If you haven't registered, it's certainly not too late! Just drop us an email at . We'll send you all the information you need to get started. And don't forget to wear your t-shirt!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The 10 000 Hour Project

Welcome to the Lacombe Relief Society and friends 10 000 hour project blog. The video posted above will give you a brief explanation of the inspiration behind this project. As the Relief Society celebrates its 170 anniversary on March 17th, 2012, we found a few things to celebrate. First, we are the oldest women's organization on the world and second, at over 6 million members, we are the largest. What a blessing it is to be a part of such a great support system. So many of us have been lifted, served and helped by others in this society and we felt it would be great to widen our borders and give to the communities in which we live.

We have some great ideas on how we, as women can serve together and become more like Christ; the ultimate example of charity and love. More information will come. We'll keep you posted!